Ashtanga Mysore

Establish your breathe and rhythm

In Ashtanga Yoga students practice a set sequence of postures which builds in complexity and intensity as you move through them. Each posture is laying a foundation for what comes after and is built on what comes before.

The format is always the same no matter how experienced a practitioner you are. Starting with Surya Namaskar A & B (sun salutations) gives your practice foundation. You’re working to establish breath and rhythm as well as starting to work on the building blocks which underpin the entire practice.

The standing postures help you find grounding and balance as well as developing strength and flexibility.

Primary Series seated postures build flexibility, strength, understanding of the techniques and confidence. David Keil, Yoganatomy explains:

“Anatomically, primary series emphasises external hip rotation, anterior pelvic tilt, and an increased length in the back of the body overall. Moving through the entire primary series also requires stability and strength in the shoulder girdle in order to repeat the vinyasas that come between each side of the posture and the postures themselves.”

You’re primarily working on externally rotating the hips, building awareness around the movement of the pelvis, creating space in the back of the body and developing shoulder stability/mobility all in preparation for the intensity of back bending.

You’re also recognising and undoing patterns of movement and behaviour to allow you to begin to work at a deeper level by sitting for pranayama practice and for meditation, and working the body through the deeper levels that follow in Ashtanga’s further series of postures.

The finishing postures help calm and steady your nervous system again after all of the activity and stimulation. This gets your body and mind ready for the experience of deep relaxation at the end of your practice.

All of that said... in our Ashtanga classes, students are guided through the Ashtanga fundamentals sequence and the first dozen or so, postures of the Primary Series of Ashtanga.

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